Google Ads Vs Facebook Ads: Which Is Better For A Startup Brand?

‘Stopping advertising to save money is like stopping your watch to save time’. Henry Ford.Google Ads vs Facebook Ads. Which is better for my startup? This has been an age-old debate that needs to be put to rest. Read along while we deep dive into the topic for you. Let’s first start with some intriguing stats about both Google & FaceBook Ads.  


About 80% of businesses across the globe trust Google Ads to run PPC campaigns. Additionally, Google earns 97% of its revenue alone from Google Ads.

Zero-Tolerance Policy 

Google has stringent guidelines in place for its ad management. In 2019, Google took down over 2.3 billion ads, taking action per the zero-tolerance policy. 

Facebook Ads Statistics You Need To Know


With a monthly active user base of over 2.89 billion, Facebook is a popular social networking site, with 98.5% of users using it via mobile.

Average Time Spent

Until January 2021, on average, US users spent 33 minutes daily on Facebook.Best paid marketing company in india

Google Ads runs search and display ads, whereas the advertising platform of Facebook is used for paid social campaigns.Here are some benefits of Google and Facebook ads that startups must pay attention to.According to Smart Insights, the median CTR for a Facebook ad on the newsfeed was 1.11%, compared to 0.47% for Google Display ads in Q1 of 2020. Additionally, Google search ads had the highest CTR at 1.55% compared to display ads and Facebook ads. 

Benefits Of Google Ads

  • Faster & Wider Potential
  • Broad Range Of Ad Formats
  • Great For Generating Leads
  • Works Faster Than SEO
  • Remarketing Is Cost-Efficient

Benefits Of Facebook Ads

  • Vast Global Audience
  • Powerful Tracking Insights
  • Incredible ROI
  • Detailed Targeting
  • Great For Boosting Brand Awareness
Google and Facebook have their own set of audiences. Over the years, both have evolved into much bigger platforms with loyal customers. Both platforms have strong points that startup owners already leverage for the best business outcome.Since both Google and Facebook are advertisers’ favorite platforms to reach a wider audience base, as a startup, you must evaluate your business’s objectives and where you are more likely to find the audience you are looking for.Both Google and Facebook ads are powerful advertising platforms with various advantages. However, since no one size fits all, evaluating your business’s aspects is best before deciding where to run your ads.If you are not sure which is the best way forward, then TZS Digital, one of the best paid-marketing companies in India, can guide you and help you decide what should be your next course of action.If you are facing issues and don’t know how to begin an ad campaign and get your business going, it’s time to reach out to us. TZS Digital is a leading PPC company in India and provides one of the best PPC services. Positioned as a dominant pay-per-click management company, we have developed our unique methodology for managing campaigns for small startups and prominent businesses.At TZS Digital, we are a team of digital enthusiasts specializing in both Google and Facebook Ads.Case Study: Here’s how we generated positive results for a client through ad campaigns.We will take care of your business goals by providing your business with the best outcome. Contact Us Now.

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