How To Use The SEMrush Tool For Keyword Research?


As per the research, the first position on Google search results on desktop earned a whopping 30% click-through rate (CTR). But the burning question is how do brands achieve it?

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is the answer to all your questions. SEO helps brands to rank higher in search results and garner more visibility. 

Keyword Research is the backbone of SEO. A Well-done keyword research can strengthen the long-term growth of a brand online. It allows you to uncover the phrases, terms, questions and answers of the audience. It is essential for achieving your goals like capturing audience attention, getting page views, leads or selling products and services. 

Why is Keyword Research Important?

Keywords are the eyes and ears of what the audience is looking for on search engines. It gives you vital information such as which keywords are easy to rank for in search engines, where to rank for, where the traffic comes from in your market, which keywords your competitors are ranking for, and to determine which keywords can you target for marketing.

It is important as it helps you to: 

  • Find the latest relevant topics
  • Understand your audience and reach them
  • Build brand awareness
  • Gain Qualified leads
  • Increase sales
  • Improve ad campaigns to get more clicks and impressions

Using SEMrush Tool

SEMrush tool is an all-in-one tool for discovering marketing insights and improving online visibility. It helps marketers that work in areas such as SEO, SMM, PPC, competitive research, keyword research, marketing insights, PR, content marketing and campaign management.

SEMRush tool researches a database of over 20 billion keywords and generates thousands of broad matches from one keyword with just a few clicks.

It is one of the best tools for keyword research. Let’s see how one can leverage it for keyword research.

How to use SEMrush tool for keyword research

Extract Keywords That Your Site Currently Ranks For

The SEMrush tool has a feature to check what keywords your website is already ranking on. Knowing the actual position of your keywords rank would help you to improve and implement the best possible strategies. If you already have a running website and want to get the list of keywords your website is already ranking on, the SEMrush tool can help you. 

  • Go to SEMrush tool > Dashboard > Domain Analytics > Organic Research 
  • Enter the URL in the search box and click on search. It will display the data. The number under the term “Keywords” is the total number of keywords your website is already ranking for. 
  • Click on “View All Organic Keywords” to get the list of those keywords. You can download the list by clicking on the Export button.

This list will display all your keywords with their current position in the search engines according to different countries. 

Find Keyword Opportunities Using SEMrush

Content creation is incomplete without inserting relevant keywords in the content and how would you find that? With the SEMrush for keyword research tool, you can find keyword opportunities that can help you to beat your competitors and rank higher in search engines.

How to find keyword opportunities in SEMrush tool? Think about a keyword you want to curate content on. Let’s find their broad matches with the SEMrush keyword magic tool.

Keyword magic tool is used for keyword analysis and for building remarkable lists. Break down your long-tail keyword into subgroups and start with a single deed keyword research.

  • Go to SEMrush > Keyword overview > Keyword Magic Tool.
  • Enter your primary keyword in the search box and select the country where your target audience is or where you want the traffic from. Click on search.
  • Export the sheet leaving the settings at All. 

Which Keywords You Must Target?

Now you have the exported sheet, go through it and identify keyword opportunities based on search volumes and keyword difficulty.

Find Relevant Keywords to Target

SEMrush for keyword research helps you find keywords with high search volume and low keyword difficulty as they are great to target. The value in the search volume column indicates how many people search for that term monthly, so the higher is always better. The value in the keyword difficulty column indicates how difficult that keyword is to rank on Google, so try to select keywords with lower KD (keyword difficult). 

Try to find out long-tail keywords as they are easy to rank on search engines. These keywords can be used as primary keywords. 

Besides, the keyword density must be 2% in an article. This means the target keyword must be used twice per 100 words to rank higher in the Google rankings.

Ranking Your Content In Search Engines

Here are some tips to rank your content in search engines. Following these tips will make your content SEO friendly and can even beat your competitors if you have done the right keyword research. 

  • Insert primary or focus keyword in the title.
  • Insert primary keyword at the beginning of the meta description.
  • Insert the primary keyword in the introduction of your content. Try to use it at the beginning or earlier paragraphs.
  • Insert the primary or secondary (long-tail) keywords in the headings and/or subheadings.
  • A mix of primary and secondary keywords in the whole content maintains the usage of keywords at 2%.

Reach Out To The Experts

We hope you have got a fair idea of how to choose SEMrush for keyword research. All this can be a little overwhelming at the first look as there is a lot of work in other domains post which a robust strategy is formed for SEO. 

We at TZS digital have helped several brands and companies in achieving their visibility through SEO. We have worked with global as well as local brands and amplified their reach through our expert SEO strategies. 

To know more about our work and our achievements check our portfolio. 

. Analyzing Keyword Trends and Seasonality

Understanding the trends and seasonality of keywords is crucial for optimizing your SEO strategy. By analyzing how search queries change over seasons or specific periods, you can anticipate demand and adjust your content accordingly. This strategic timing enhances your website’s visibility and engagement rates when interest peaks.


  • Using Google Trends to identify when specific keywords are most popular.
  • Adjusting content schedules to match seasonal spikes in search terms related to holidays or events.

Why It’s Important:

  • Aligns content with user interest, maximizing engagement.
  • Helps in planning marketing campaigns to coincide with high demand periods, improving ROI.

2. Integrating Keywords into User Experience

Keywords should not only guide your SEO strategy but also enhance the user experience (UX) on your website. Integrating keywords naturally into your site’s content, navigation, and meta elements makes your site more intuitive and aligned with user expectations, thereby improving retention and conversion rates.


  • Using keywords in navigation menus to improve site structure.
  • Incorporating keywords into image alt texts to enhance SEO and accessibility.

Why It’s Important:

  • Improves site navigability and usability, encouraging longer visits.
  • Enhances content relevance and context for better user engagement.

3. Leveraging Keywords for Content Expansion

Expanding your content based on keyword research can help you cover more topics that your audience is interested in, thus increasing your site’s authority and reach. Identifying gaps in your current content and filling them with detailed, keyword-rich articles or videos can drive more organic traffic.


  • Developing a series of blog posts targeting long-tail keywords.
  • Creating FAQ sections or how-to guides based on commonly searched questions.

Why It’s Important:

  • Broadens your content’s reach and appeal.
  • Increases the chances of capturing a wider audience through varied content formats.

4. Monitoring and Adapting to Algorithm Updates

Search engines frequently update their algorithms, which can affect how sites are ranked. Staying informed about these changes and adapting your keyword strategy accordingly is essential for maintaining and improving your search engine rankings.


  • Regularly reviewing changes in search engine guidelines.
  • Adjusting keyword density and placement in response to new ranking factors.

Why It’s Important:

  • Ensures your SEO efforts remain effective and compliant with the latest standards.
  • Helps mitigate risks of losing search rankings due to algorithm shifts.

Each of these strategies leverages SEMrush’s capabilities to conduct deep keyword research, ensuring that your content not only meets current SEO standards but is also positioned for future growth and visibility.


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