How To Increase Brand Awareness through Social Media Optimization


We had a meeting with a new client last week where we happened to ask the client “How have you been promoting your business till now?”

The client answered: “I have a beautiful website and I send regular emails to my clients”

We probed further: “And how do you manage to get new clients?”

Client: “Mostly word of mouth and referrals from present clients. We have not opted for paid ads as we do not want to spend money at this stage.”

Us: “And social media?”

Client: “No, we do not think posting pictures and some videos on Instagram/FaceBook will do anything for our brand. So we opted that out”

The answer left us speechless. He was missing a very important element in his marketing strategy – SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORMS!

That is what inspired us to write this blog. Read along if you are struggling with a limited budget or knowledge to spread brand awareness through Social Media Platforms. 

Social Media in Numbers

Currently, there are 3.78 billion social media users worldwide (48% of the population) and they spend an average of 2 hours and 25 minutes a day on social media. 

A study says 49% of consumers rely on social media influencer recommendations. 54% of social media browsing audience access it to explore new products and services. 54%!!! That’s a huge chunk of customers looking for new services or products and you can leverage the power of social media to make your brand stand tall in front of them. 

Isn’t this eye-opening? Can you fathom how much you are losing if you are not leveraging social media platforms to spread the word!

Let us first understand what is social media marketing & social media optimization. 

If you want to know how social media marketing actually works for any brand, check out what we present our clients with.

Social Media Marketing & Social Media Optimization

Social media marketing is using social media platforms actively to advertise or promote a brand by curating and sharing engaging content that the audience gets involved in and is attracted towards it. 

It involves strategies and techniques to ensure that the company’s vision, mission, culture and values are clearly expressed. 

 Social media marketing is not:

  • Randomly posting pictures & videos
  • Using any 30 hashtags 
  • Following anyone abruptly on LinkedIn to make follower count 500+
  • Tweeting any recent scandal to get retweets

It is a strategically planned activity that is based on the objective of the brand. It is thoughtful storytelling to your target audience which compels them to have faith in your brand. Social media channels like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, Snapchat, YouTube, and Pinterest, etc all have a certain algorithm that is leveraged to make your social media successful. 

Social media optimization is the utilization of social media connections to control and increase a company’s message and online presence. It is a brand’s way to analyze, audit and improvise with their content and account to reach a wider audience. 

SMM & SMO go hand in hand. One without the other is like having tea without a biscuit. You might feel full but not satisfied!  (Such an Indian example but makes sense :))

Now that we know the difference between SMO & SMM let us throw some quick tips and hacks at you to carry out Social Media Optimisation for maximum brand awareness. 

SMO Tips

SMO Tips to follow

Account Optimisation

General audit of your brand’s social media profile with emphasis on branding & marketing messaging. 

  • Consistent branding designs like logos, taglines, fonts, brand colors etc to create higher brand recall value
  • Marketing messages & language matching current promotions
  • A CTA/link to send the audience to a landing page

Social Media Account Optimization

Search Optimisation

Creating searchability for your brand on social media. Get discovered by your dream audience. 

  • Include relevant keywords and hashtags in your bio & creatives
  • Update usernames and contact details 
  • Write a compelling about us section

Content Optimisation

Creating and designing posts that resonate with your readers and add curiosity amongst them to know more.

  • Maintain a distinct brand tone and voice throughout 
  • Write captions that resonate with your audience
  • Establish creative publishing consistency and volume
  • Determine which assets work for your brand (static, reels, IGTV or text-based content)
  • Figure out lucrative platforms for your brand
  • See which creatives are getting maximum audience engagement

CTA/Link Optimisation

Do not drop random links on your social media. Easily track customer behavior when they click on the links or CTA’s provided by you. Identify the top-performing content and mimic it for further posts. 

  • Set UTM parameters on your social links to track click attribution
  • Assess which links are receiving the most clicks
  • Ensure sending the readers to relevant landing pages to build a brand recognition

Social Media growth doesn’t happen overnight. There are billions of people on social media and to get their attention to your posted content is not everyone’s cup of tea. One needs to have the correct strategy in place to see it grow multifold. 

Enhancing Engagement with Interactive Content

To elevate your social media presence, incorporating interactive content is vital. This dynamic form of content not only engages but also entertains your audience, encouraging more profound interaction with your brand. Examples of interactive content include polls, quizzes, and interactive videos, which foster a two-way conversation and make your followers feel valued.


  • Polls about product preferences can guide your next product launch.
  • Quizzes related to your industry can educate and engage simultaneously.
  • Interactive videos can ask viewers questions and offer choices that dictate the video’s flow.

By employing these interactive strategies, you create a memorable brand experience that encourages longer site visits and enhances user engagement.

Strategic Content Planning and Calendar Creation

A well-organized social media content calendar is crucial for consistent and effective brand messaging. Planning your posts in advance ensures a balanced mix of content types and themes, which helps in maintaining audience interest and engagement. This strategy also allows for aligning your posts with key marketing campaigns and industry events, ensuring maximum impact.


  • Thematic posts related to current events or holidays.
  • Regular feature days, like “Tip Tuesday” or “Feature Friday,” to create routine anticipation.
  • Scheduled posts for product launches and brand announcements to maximize exposure.

Implementing a structured content calendar helps in distributing your marketing efforts strategically across various platforms, keeping your social media profiles active and engaging.

Leveraging Analytics for Improved Performance

Understanding social media analytics is key to refining your strategy and enhancing your brand’s online presence. By analyzing data on engagement rates, follower growth, and content performance, you can make informed decisions that propel your social media efforts forward. This analysis allows for the optimization of posting times, content types, and marketing messages.


  • Examining peak engagement times to schedule posts more effectively.
  • Analyzing follower growth for insights into successful campaigns.
  • Evaluating which types of content yield the highest interaction and why.

Utilizing these analytics will enable you to tailor your social media strategies to better meet the interests and needs of your audience, thereby increasing brand visibility and engagement.

Building a Community Around Your Brand

Creating a community around your brand on social media can transform followers into brand advocates. Engage with your audience by responding to comments, sharing user-generated content, and participating in conversations. This approach not only boosts engagement but also strengthens customer loyalty and enhances brand credibility.


  • Feature user-generated content on your channels to acknowledge and appreciate your community.
  • Create branded hashtags to cultivate a sense of belonging and encourage more interaction.
  • Host live Q&A sessions to directly engage and provide value to your audience.

Fostering a vibrant community is essential for sustaining long-term relationships with your audience, ultimately leading to increased brand loyalty and advocacy.

Before we sign off, here are 15 practical tips that a brand could utilize to create maximum buzz around their brand on social media. 

15 Practical Social Media Tips

  1. Do immense industry, audience and competitor research
  2. Create content that adds value 
  3. Optimize social media platforms 
  4. Slay with beautiful designs
  5. Use engaging captions
  6. Test different kinds of content (humorous, value giving, reposts)
  7. Leverage videos to increase reach
  8. Tag brand and people wherever necessary
  9. Interact with your followers
  10. Collaborate with other brands/influencers
  11. Use relevant hashtags
  12. Utilize moment marketing
  13. Host contests, Live sessions, Polls to engage
  14. Learn from feedback
  15. Track insights & improvize


We hope you got a deep insight into how important is Social Media for any brand. We at TZS Digital, being the top social media marketing company worked relentlessly with clients to up their social media game. Be it for a B2B or a B2C client, we have created some amazing content + design which got a lot of appreciation on social media channels. Do check our work here.

If you like what you saw on that link or like what you read in this blog and want us to create the same for you, reach out to us.

We will walk you through a clear step-by-step strategy on how to create a strong brand presence through social media. Schedule a call with us right now!


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