6 Unique Content Marketing Strategies To Follow In 2022


“ADAPT FASTER AND INNOVATE SOONER” – This has been the motto in the changing dynamics of the digital marketing industry. Out of all the dimensions of digital marketing, content marketing has always been the most tricky part. All the design and distribution strategy comes to a halt if “WHAT WE WRITE” does not resonate with our audience. 

Content is the essence of all marketing activities like paid campaigns, branding, social media marketing, SEO etc

Time & experience has shown that the traditional content marketing methods no longer provide the desirable results. Consumers no longer want to be bombarded with irrelevant ads or long boring blogs. They are looking for real-time solutions. Brands are now expected to deep dive into the minds of the consumer and search for their pain points, their desires, their expectations. It does not end here. Searching the “WHAT” isn’t enough! To master “HOW” to present this information has become more crucial than ever. 


The fear of becoming irrelevant and obsolete has pushed marketers to re-think their content marketing strategy. The modern-day content marketing strategy is defined as “Encapsulating smart content focussing on educating and helping a clearly defined audience, ultimately to drive profitable customer action”. 

2022 is a game-changer year. With a smarter audience and their specific needs, there are some solid trends that all brands need to follow. Watch the video below to see the top 6 trends which are the need of the hour today!

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Confused on how to instantly connect with your audience?

Personalisation is the key! Talk to an individual rather than a community.

Afraid of audience scrolling without seeing your content?

Engage with them rather than preaching.


Content looking redundant or repetitive?

Leverage different types of content and test which performs the best. 

Unable to circle what the audience wants to read?

AI is the way forward! Be a smart content creator and mesmerise your audience!


Content is tricky and super dynamic. Not one strategy can fit all your needs. It is important to change with the upcoming trends to be a leader and not a follower in the digital marketing world. 

Holding your customer’s attention is probably the most difficult task but we at TZS being one of the top digital marketing agencies in India have aced it. 

Not only eye grabbing but rolling out super valuable content has been our core expertise. Our creative heads and numerous cups of coffee give us the ability to create super authoritative content for all our clients. Watch the video above and reach out to us to chalk out a clear content success strategy. 

Visit our website and book a call with us today. Follow us on all social media channels to get your daily dose of valuable content.


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